

  • Hey everyone, I have a the Wii fit, I average 4 days a week, at 45 minutes. I was hoping if you guys weren't to full if I could join up with your challenge. 2 days I do cardio and yoga, and the other 2 I do the strength training. I also enjoy Punch Out, it's not an exercise game per say, but you can use the Wii Board and…
  • Hi guys, thanks for all the tips and motivation. I would like to say congrats to both of you, because you both have lost lots of weight. Great job to both of you.:smile:
  • I'm here after a friend recommended this site. So far the site is awesome. It is helping me keep track of what I am doing during the day, and I am hoping that this will help me keep track with the weight that I want to lose. I have repeatedly failed diet after diet. After having two children I want to get back down to…