

  • Today will make day 3 for me. I am soooo sore, I can barely sit!! Guess that means it's working though. And I have been using 3lb weights. Also for anyone who doesn't have the dvd youtube has it, I got tired of waiting for mine to get here and found it there the other day.
  • I am 23 I am having trouble loosing as well. I gave birth 2 months ago (my 4th in 5 years) and have started a rigorous exersize routine and I have dramatically changed my diet. I didn't gain any weight during my pregnancy so 6 weeks post pardum I was down 30 lbs, I have yet to loose any more weight. My clothes are looser,…
  • Do not weigh yourself everyday! I find if I weigh myself often I get discouraged. I try to weigh in every few weeks.
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