

  • I started at 164 which is about 14lbs heavier than my goal weight :( Thankfully I haven't gained that much and I am only up to 180 (5lbs less than when I started my weight loss efforts in October of 2011)...I will update after the baby comes when I start up with this again! I am so excited to have this group on here to…
  • That sounds awesome acantu :) Let me know how it works once you get the hang of it :)
  • How long have you known you were celiac?
  • I am new here as well, and I just purchased a fitbit. I am gluten free and definately not by choice.(I could never choose to be GF just because.) I wouldn't wish Celiac disease on anyone. All that aside...There are some awesome GF cook books out there that help, but not all of the cook books are great. Most GF…