

  • Really appreciate all the feedback-looks like I'm definietly going to investigate my possible thyroid problem with more in depth testing. I'll hopefully have good news of reaching my goal in a few months. Thanks all and feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • I'm in the same boat that you are in now...but I do know that when I lost a significant amount of weight in the past, it took about 2-3 months of hardly any cheating whatsoever (lots of salad, moderate protein, moderate good carbs etc.) I'd have a treat every so often, but maybe only once every two weeks. I was hovering…
  • Wow thank you all so much for the replies! Very encouraging community we have here it seems, which is awesome-I'll definitely be checking in more regularly now :) IslandMonkey you brought up some very good points that I didn't know about. I believe they did the test with just the TSH...so it seems that doing some more…
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