Wow isn't that a lot I don't even know how I would eat the much. I'd have to be eating meat all the time or have a protein shake everyday
i wish i was lean lol i mean i look fine in clothes and stuff and im fine with my weight but my body fat percentage is around 20% and i can feel it and see it on my stomach and chest and really wanna get rid of it. according to my tracking i get around 60-70 grams of protein a day. i feel like i eat enough food and if i…
hey guys i was just thinking that im not getting the best results maybe because im not eating enough. im quite strict with the amount of calories i eat. according to my bmr without any exercise i burn 1800 calories a day so that is what i am aiming to eat everyday, i usually get between 1500-1800 but with the amount of…
it was difficult but i pushed through it, i just did the first day of week 2 and i pushed really hard and was happy but i binged in the night and now feel like crap. im just so frustrated that i dont have the results i wanted by now or at least steady results. i cant handle this it means so much to me
i just finished week 1 of month two but i havent got any results since i started the week, i'm feeling a little discouraged because my big aim is to be able to see abs by the end of insanity and with only 3 weeks left and these slow results i dont think it will happen.