

  • It doesn't matter if it "feels" right, its all about what works best to get you to your goal. I have done both over an 8 week period, 4 weeks each and then compared the results. You should do the same, its actualy an interesting experiment. Cheers :)
  • Big difference. Eating 5-6 meals a day allows your metabolism to work overtime. Firing your metabolism is an extremely important ingredient in weight loss.
  • I forgot to add that you should buy a set of calipers that measure your body fat... just as important reducing the body fat as it is losing weight. I know people that are considered to be obese on the charts but only have 5% body fat. Use the scales but use them wisely and try to measure what your lean body mass is…
  • Ok first and foremost forget about BMI as there have been countless studies to prove that these reading are often not accurate. Use the Katch-McArdle Formula or the Harris Benedict Formula. Drop your calorie intake by 30% for 3 days and then go back to the normal calorie intake for 1 day and then go back for 3 days, keep…