

  • Vegetarian option protein snack: Salt and Vinegar Roasted Chickpeas. I have made these and they are a FANTASTIC tasty alternative to salt and vinegar potato chips. 2 cups canned (or cooked from fresh) chickpeas 3-4 cups white vinegar 1 teaspoon coarse sea salt 2 teaspoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil Line a baking sheet with tin…
  • Anne Rice's vampires will forever live in my heart and remain my favorite. However, someone not mentioned here (and I think everybody who has any interest in vampires should check out!) is Le Comte de Saint-Germain, who features in the Saint-Germain Cycle of books by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.…
  • I started my weight loss at the end of 2009. I am 5'4" and weighed 225 pounds at the start; I am now around 147 and have kept it off for about a year or two. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • To keep yourself full, to keep up your protein and to satisfy yourself between meals -- as well as introduce healthful calories into your diet -- I would REALLY recommend you get some protein / whey powder into your diet, and have at least a scoop a day, if not 3 (for between each meal). (By the way, it's fine to go over…
  • This is sounding too much like a "carbs bad" debate; just EAT FOOD. Yes, breads are high in carbohydrates, but so are lots of vegetables. Whole wheat bread will certainly consist of more complex carbs (as opposed to bread made of refined, white flour). You need complex carbs for energy. Go ahead and eat your bread, but…
  • I'm a big fan of band "The Church": -- whose lead singer is Steve Kilbey.
  • LOL! I often think "Please, I don't want to throw up" and "Oh man, I hate to be sick, please don't let me toss my cookies" towards the end of a fast run. But on a serious note, I find my long runs to be extremely therapeutic. Sometimes, while listening to music, I consider situations, problems and concerns of the day, but…
  • Crosby, Stills and Nash in Albuquerque, New Mexico...sometime in the mid-1980s.
  • I'll echo what others have posted; you should try shoes on, test them on the store treadmill, and talk to the knowledgeable staff about what you like or dislike about each shoe. The staff should be able to evaluate the way you run, and choose the best shoe and fit for you based on your stride. However, in a pinch, you…
  • Walk or run outside. :) Ok, I realize this question is focused on gym equipment. I use apps on my iPhone that give me voice prompts, encouragement AND music to keep me going. Lolo makes a line of these that are easy and fun to use.
  • I avoid soymilk because the general population already gets way too much soy in their diets through other means; almost everything these days seems to have soy protein, soy isolates, soy lecithins and soy oils. The most beneficial soys are fermented products like miso, tempeh and natto. Regardless, if you do decide to…
  • I'm seeing a lot of general complaints about "too many wires" when listening to music, which has been MY biggest complaint when exercising. I love music in general, and can't see myself exercising without it! Having said that, I've been trying a lot of different headsets that have 2 requirements: a. won't fall out of my…