amwill1 Member


  • I am a Saints fan but since they are out then I have to go back to my roots as a NY'er and say GO GIANTS!!! Plus I can't stand Tom Brady so all the more reason to root against the Pats... I want a good game either way, not a boring 3 and out with punt returns all game long! :)
  • That is my exact thoughts! It is not too much to pay even if I skip it and instead go elsewhere to take classes. I love Zumba and Turbo Kick and feel bored on an eliptical machine now but I keep the membership for those days when I just need to get in a workout and don't have time to make it to class or it doesn't fit in…
  • Welcome aboard! This site really is a great tool for weight loss. I love seeing what I ate and how much fat and calories it adds up to. It keeps me in check and I have been able to resist over-eating so that I don't wast unneccesary calories. Good luck in your venture. We are all here for support! :)
  • I am related to Martin Van Buren - the 8th president of the US and my birthday is the same as George Washington's! :)
  • Hello everyone! I read a quote yesterday that is my motivational tool to stay on track - "If you want to know your future, take a look at your present actions" - I don't know who wrote it but it is my new mantra. I want to lose weight as we all do and I am presently working at it so that I can be happier and healthier in…
  • I feel that it is more fun that the typical cardio class because you are just dancing and the music is so upliftin!. Also you have to catch on to the choregraphy as they do not cue you on what to do so it is a challenge at first but the repetition helps.
    in zumba Comment by amwill1 January 2012
  • I love Zumba and take a class but recently purchased some DVD's offline and can not wait to ge them so I can Zumba from home. It is the most fun workout I have ever had!
    in zumba Comment by amwill1 January 2012
  • I weigh myself once a month because it encourages me when I see a bigger difference every time. I have yet to weigh myself since starting this webpage and I have been dieting for 2 weeks and can notice a difference in my clothes so when 2 more weeks is done I hope to be surprised! Good luck! :smile:
  • From Rochester, NY, USA but dream of visiting many of the places you all live!