

  • My two year old loves "baked potato bar" night - mix broccoli or other veggies in with the potato, grilled chicken, etc. Also, my two year old loves to eat with chopsticks, doesn't matter what it is... so maybe using a fun utensil for eating will get them into eating something different too.
  • It is hard, I have a 2yo as well. I try to prepare meals ahead of time on weekends so I can spend some playtime with children when I get home during the week instead of cooking - Or I have the kids help me "decorate a pizza or salad" - 2 year olds love to help, so you feel like you get some playtime together while you get…
  • When I was pregnant, I used to drink a glass of milk (or other beverage) out of a wine glass... I found that when I put it in the fancy glass, it had the same effect (relaxation after a long day) that a glass of wine would, and I didn't miss the wine.
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