

  • couldn't agree with you more. Congratulations!! In fact, anyone who decides to not use their tools wisely anf reverts back to old eating habits, the operation didn't fail them, they failed to use their tool properly. Like the definition of insanity, "doing the same old thing and expecting different results". Wishing you…
  • You'll be so glad you did. What is really important is the follow up visits with the dietician afterward to stay on track. I was so scared before the surgery and immediately after I was so relieved and excited. It is a life long journey, but at least you will have a tool to help you stick to what is right. Many people say…
  • THis is a good site to visit to review.
  • I had the surgery Aug 7, 2012 and am soooo very happy. Have always been able to lose weight, but the struggle continually was keeping it off. I am so grateful for this surgery, yet I was very scared to have it. I am down 54 lbs so far and so excited. Know 5 others who have had the surgery and it has been a blessing to them…
  • sounds delicious, and you probably burn off all the calories consumed, preparing the meal, hehe