baluroses Member


  • I just went from the env touch to the newest Droid it I have to say....I picked the Droid 4 vs. razr because of the keyboard and I don't regret it....however, it does require that nasty data package. =(
  • Business Strategic plannings manager who for 6 years I saw on a weekly basis finally looked at me one day and said, "Have you lost a few pounds or something? You look a little different?" I had by then over the previous two years lost 150lbs.....I thought it was rather odd that it took him two years to notice especially…
  • Sometimes calorie deficits are a good thing and other times not...depends on a number of things. First how long have you been running at a calorie deficit and how much weight have you lost doing so. Secondly, what is the majority of your food made up it carbs? is it protein? If you are going to run a calorie…