

  • I started on june 6th too and have lost almost 30, I could have lost more but I had my rough days when I skipped working out! You are an example of the fact that it IS possible if you stick with it!!! this is what I think...Everyone is just jealous. The overweight people and the skinny people. The overweight people are…
  • I was put on celexa when I was like 13 and it made me gain alot of weight too. I was taking Welbutren XL up until about 3 months ago when I started loosing the weight. I don't feel like it made me gain any weight, i just didn't really need it anymore once I started loosing and working out. My anxiety problem is situational…
  • Hey! I am 20 and I started at 347 pounds. I am now down to 326 and have an ultimate goal of about 160, but I would be more than happy with 180-190. Everyone says "while your young is the best/easiest time to loose weight" but I still think it's really hard. All my friends and family can eat whatever they want whenever they…
  • hey, i have snacking problems too. When i workout at night it keeps me awake longer and I just want to eat eat eat!!! Ususally I'll take a melatonin pill , its a natural sleep aid really cheap to get at any Vitamin store or GNC. it's non addictive or habit forming so you wont get hooked on it. It really helps me sleep. &&…