ewelch03 Member


  • I do the same, log what I can and if I know what's for dinner, I will add that in too. This lets me know if I can sneak in that extra bite size snickers or if I have to walk the dog before I get my treat!
  • If you are not a picky eater you should try this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/christinebyrne/clean-eating-challenge Its strictly clean eating. If you pair this with exercise, you should loose the 5lbs in 7 days (and be able to keep some of that off). On the morning of day 8, I was down 4lbs and that was with not working out…
  • I like the idea of using cottage cheese with Tuna, Zucchini and egg and making little cakes. What are the portions for each ingreient and what temp to bake it?