

  • It is hard to tell what could really go on with your body from consuming protein in that form. But the key sentence for me was. "Over an extended period of time, protein shakes can damage the liver or kidneys, or may worsen pre-existing cases of organ failure." I've always been a fan of getting nutrients (including…
  • These are some websites that have the same theory... It is really hard to tell if there will be side effects of long term use.
  • Be careful if you are using protein shakes for long term. They can cause Liver and Kidney Damage. There are apparently also links to heart disease.
  • Having something to eat right after a workout is the best thing to do. If you dont eat after exercise your body thinks you are starving and will use the muscle instead of the fat for energy. Therefore any weight loss will actually be loss of muscle. Eat something with a protein and carbs. I find a small tin of beans are…