

  • Thank you everyone. I guess it gives me a rough estimate. @Maymichelle: I lost 6.6lbs. I was hoping for more, but am motivated to go on. @teeBirdReets : Amen Sista!!! Last week sucked. I told the coach I have motivation not to cheat because I certainly don't want to go through that anytime soon.
  • Thank you!! Guess I am in the feeling sorry for myself while I munch on soy chips and my husband eats pizza. We'll see how I did with my 1st weigh in Monday. And still hoping the side effects COMPLETELY go away.
  • Hello everyone!! I went to an IP meeting last night and will officially start next Wednesday. I am excited and nervous, this is my last attempt before gastric bypass. I should lose at least 100lbs. But I have 2 friends who have been very successful on the program so I am using them for inspiration and support! I am 50 yrs…
  • Hey Sophie, is this the right spot??
  • I am going to a meeting Tuesday. a few of my co-workers gave done it and look fabulous!! I would love to find other people here who are doing Ideal Protein and maybe start a board for support, encouragement and ?????