

  • I am curently in the middle of Insanity and it is hard, but doable. Without knowing your husbands fitness level it is hard to say if it is possible for him. Most people I know have done p90x before insanity. However, I think p90x is more resistance training than cardio. Insanity is almost all cardio, lots of squats, jumps,…
  • I am doing p90X. I am on day 32. Just finished biceps and back and was about to do ab ripper but taking a break. This is my first round through. I was probably not in good enough shape to start with p90x so would like to do a round after this when I feel more able. Still fighting to do 5 pullups. I do feel much better.…
    in p90x Comment by AristotleX November 2009
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