

  • Most gyms will set up a proper lifting program with you . i would ask your gym to set you up a plan in general 3 reps of 10 to 12 at the weight you are ok with once that weight gets "easy" for ya go up in weight....
  • Question for u do you feel full after eating a well balanced meal? ??? I never did an also was an emotional eater an a grazer... that lead me with family history 145+ lbs over weight oh high b/p meds an other meds Ugg I had to dosomething to get back my life I had the lap band put in place ...I MFP to help keep me honest…
  • Protein. Will stick with ya longer so increase protein. To 60-75 grams. Daily then. Work on low carb veggies. Up to 2 cups lunch an dinner ... detox from sugars..potatoes rice.pastas breads.... fruit in moderation. I lean to rasberrys blueberrysi can always get frozen if fresh r expensive ordont look so good an a smoothie…