

  • Hello, I am definitely here to help support you.
  • Hi CherylAnne198, I just wanted to let you know that I sent a friend request to you and hope for the same. First of all, kudos to you for being an amazing caregiver to your family; family is very important in terms of support, but you also seemed very overwhelmed at all the things you have to do. Your day alone is very…
  • Hi, welcome aboard to MFP. You are going to find a lot of support from a lot of memebers. If you add me I will definitely be one of your supporters. You are right, it is easy to follow the app, because you are tracking what you eat and your exercises. I hope you have fun and take care. Again, welcome.
  • Hi, I just saw your post today and you have my support. I just wanted to tell you have awesome it is that you are taking the steps to a healthy life style; having support in MFP is the place for it. Good luck and will be cheering for you.