Yes, I do weekly wiegh in here on base...
moving out the country! not being able to fit there cloths and to make matters worse seeing little old ladies moving faster than me.... that is when I started thinking something is not right on my end...
i do have a cheat day, which falls on the weekend its one meal though not the whole day. So through out the week I try to stay focus so I can enjoy that one meal that I've been working towards...
JAPAN, Yokosuka navy wife
Well, hello I just joined myself and love it all I can say is welcome and get on this journey like to rest of us..
Ok I'm up for the Challenge, so where I'm station its already the 16th so I will start today. As you stated I dont have to do all 200 in one sitting but at least get 200 in for the day and work my way up to 200 a day. please add me to your group I can do this
Wow, keep up the Great Work,