I love sweet treats and found it helpful to strategically include limited sweets while losing weight. Instead of buying cookies or chocolate bars I switched to hard candies. In the evenings I'd have one or two mini candy canes with a mug of herbal tea, or satisfy a craving with a hard fruit-flavoured candy, which was…
I am 5'3" and currently 130lb, aiming to lose 10 more while building stamina and strength. I always aim for a net of 1200 calories, whether I workout, walk for an hour or two, or am sedentary, as I have been lately due to a cold. What worked for my weight loss to date is still working, watching calories, eating foods from…
I wanted something easy where I would sweat and burn calories with easily measurable results. The treadmill fit the bill. On days when I'm less motivated to go I tell myself it's more about enjoying listening to half an hour of my favourite music.
It sounds like you should eat something earlier in the day rather than waiting until mid-afternoon. Breakfast needn't be a heavy meal or eaten the moment one wakes up. Perhaps try a handful of nuts and dried fruit mid morning, or even within a couple of hours of waking to see if eating earlier will benefit you. Look at…
I don't think there is a particular food group I've eliminated, but one thing that has made a difference is virtually eliminating eating after 7pm. Evening snacking accounted for a lot superfluous calories. Instead I have unlimited mugs of herbal tea, and occasionally a hard candy. I still eat bread, pasta, rice, etc. but…
"Pump It" by Black Eyed Peas - it always makes me run faster