

  • Sweat is sexy. It means you're willing to work towards something you want. Determination is sexy! :) But I'm biased because I definitely sweat a lot when I work out.
  • I'm about 5'3"- 5'4" SW: 141.8 CW: same (but checking weight tomorrow morning GW: 125
  • Generally you don't want to leave it to cutting weight, and try to lose the weight ahead of time. It also depends on how much weight your son is trying to lose. Ideally, you should only have him cut a pound or two towards the very end. As far as hydration, one way to stay hydrated with very little calories and water (if…
  • What do you train in: Sport/ Olympic Tae Kwon Do (So happy to see several others in TKD) When did you start: Started 8 years ago Who inspires you: My other teammates, several of which are going for spots on the national and junior national team. Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far: Getting the opportunity to…
  • This is my mentality and I hope it can work for you- It may sound backwards, but when you're craving "bad foods", it's not ALWAYS a bad thing to give in. The key is not to overindulge. When we don't eat our favorite junk foods and such, we are strengthening our will power. But think of it this way, if we know we're going…