taking selfie again
fresh cream
Would like to grab but baby in pram so would pass
what an achievement
drop your mobile
Oldest 58 and youngest 45
My brush with fame was meeting Neil Armstrong a few years back in Barcelona at an awards ceremony.
No, too young
Jamie Foxx
My ex-husband said I am not walking down the aisle with you with a fat belly. I wasn't even the weight I am now.
Chess school
150g Homemade Easiyo Natural Yogurt, mix in 20g oat bran, top with 80g of fresh mango pulp. This is my favourite yogurt breakfast. Once you have homemade yogurt, you will not want to eat any other type.
My surname is Lucas and I used to live in St Vincent and the Grenadines SVG
My fitness instructor gave me this recipe with these extra ingredients. 14g vanilla protein powder. When cooked, eat with peanut butter and natural yogurt. Delicious
Homemade carrot and pineapple juice
Lionel Richie with the Commodores, London 1978
Thank you, I am 52, taken used to be a secretary 23 years ago. Now a Customer Services Manager
mbaileyb taken, 32, shop assistant
my smle
I agree.
It is about the people getting married and not the guests, but it is also a celebration of a union. I wasn't that bothered about having a huge wedding (29 years ago) but my father wanted his daughter to have a big day and we went along with his wishes. This should have been discussed even before the engagement. There is…
just flirt