

  • I take: - B complex - Vitamin C - Ginkgo Bilboa The B and C are for added energy and the ginkgo is for focus and brain function. They seem to work I've noticed a difference since I've started taking them. I don't have to drink as much coffee and my memory is a lot better than it was.
  • You look fantastic and I bet you feel even better!!
  • Hooray! That's great, keep up your hard work and persistence. :happy:
  • I love Wii Fit! When Wii Fit Plus came out we bought that and it is better than the regular Wii Fit. There are many games that work different parts of your body and also help develop better balance. I recommend it. But as the PP said buy lots of batteries!!
    in Wii Fit Comment by greenetea08 July 2010