

  • Thanks hun! It just shows though I will never be the only one who hates their tummy. I think because I'm short it makes me look pregnant still. I just want to be confident with or without clothes I just don't have the confidence right now which is important for me. I did start the shred but my 5th day was on saturday so…
  • Hey Mumof5, I did it again and I realise I don't have it. I was looking up alot of information about it and have done the check AGAIN and I don't have it as my adominals touch when I contract and my finger got stuck lol so I guess I have to lift heavy weights although I only have dumbells at home?? lol
  • Hi everyone yes I did another check and I have Diastasis recti! I think I had it before my pregnancy as my stomach was that shape before just not as big. :/
  • Hi girls thanks for all your comments its made me feel better about it. I just got scared thinking that I would never be able to get rid of it by exercise but only say a tummy tuck. Ive done the check and there wasn't a line and I googled it just to check but I don't think I have that. I'm gonna get my bum into gear and do…
  • Thanks hun, Im definately going to up the cardio!
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