

  • hi my name is kim n i'm aloted 2200 calories. I always have 500 to 800 left over.Also depends on your activitys.I try to eat 6 small meals n 2 snacks but my problem is i drink alot of water.Do your best n remember label reading helps
  • i'm like u. i started at 406.I'm now 377.My goal before surgery is 343.
  • Hi I'm Kim a 35 year old who needs friends that know what i'm going through.I'm a bing eater n trying to stop.I'm in a bartrics program n in the next few monhs i will prepare for gastric bypass(laproscopic).I would like to meet n chat with people who understd.Good Luck to all
  • :smile: hi my name is kim.I live in MD.I just turned 35. I do also bing eat n night time is the worse.I want to lose weight n i'm in a baratic surgery progam. Im 10 weeks in an have lost 12 pounds. I can use support n encouragement from anyone.
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