Hello Paulina, Welcome, My name is Joe, my wife is Julie and both of us have struggled with weight due to poor eating habits/choices. I am in the Military and am currently deployed in the middle east and I will be starting P90X very soon, it's been hard for me to get the basic items needed to preform the program. I will be…
WOW, My wife had me check out this site a while back when she started working out and I thought " that will help with the workouts" I can see how the support on this site will help. I really appreaciate all the information. I think I will try and get the mat. If needed I will order the chin/pull up bar after…
LOL..I think I may have more room then you...:smile: I have started eating smaller partions, buy the food is just there and some time, its all I could do to avoid the food because of bordom. my family has come though by sending me healthy snacks. My new start date is going to be around the 5 of Sept, still waiting on the…
Hello, my name is Joe, I am deployed in the middle east from another 4 months and I will be starting P90X on the 25th Or as soon as I get the heart rate monitor watch that my wife is sending me. I don't have much space and I'm really worried aout the diet part of P90X, I know it is a major part of the overall plan, you…