ShellsMurphy78 Member


  • agree with the stress in our lives that make it come back up so easy. i know when everything else in my life is out of control, i always have one way of regaining control- and that is with food. i guess its just like any other trauma though, it never really goes away- either we learn to do deal with it or just push it down…
  • i buy canned green beans. drain the water from the can. rinse the beans. put in pot with one can of water. add 1 chicken or beef bullion cube. 1 tablespoon butter. 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder to the mix. cook on med heat for 10-15 mins. yummy! cheap, easy and fast.
  • you are so right. all of the time i spent absorbed in my ED, that was the one thing that never let me down. i now consider my ED my dark passenger... along with alcoholism. trying to get over both together has been a struggle. i find myself eating less calories so i can drink them later in the night. while both issues…
  • My name is Shelley. I was a normal, healthy, happy, average sized athlete in HS. In college I began to bloom and bloom big. My height is 5'11. In HS i was 160lbs. After HS my life took a downward spiral as I began to let childhood issues take over my life. In college I allowed myself to bloom to an ugly and fat 250 lbs.…
  • what do you do when you find your twin? message them? become weight loss buddies? what about an area to discuss EDs and other such issues?
  • i believe i may be your twin. whatever that means on here. haha i'm new to this.
  • thanks to Yes Im A Duck. i tried to reply to one girl on here and obviously i didnt do it right. sorry to make so many posts. bare with me. sorry again.
  • hey according to this you would be my twin! only im 33yo. got a few years on ya sista! haha
  • Not sure what SW means. New to this site, tonight. I'm 5'11, 185 lbs. Would love to get back to my happy weight of 160. I am currently on a 1600 cal/day diet (i don't currently exercise at all) but this site says i need 1648 cal/day to 'survive' in a resting 24 hours. I'm stuck. Don't know what I should do. I am not a…