mandij86 Member


  • Simply a suggestion for a beginner.
    in Arms Comment by mandij86 November 2011
  • It’s hard to kick the habit of drinking sodas but try your best to cut back. Diet drinks are loaded with chemicals, more noticeably, dyes and sweeteners. Aspartame and Splenda used to sweeten diet foods turn to arsenic and formaldehyde while processing in your body. Scary!
  • Look at it like a nutritionist... Your body needs very little sugar, but if your used to eating tons of it, your body will adapt to be able to process it and you will continue to crave it and give you the "sweet tooth"! You need to cut back on how much you eat, pay attention to the sugar that is hidden in other foods as…
  • A more female approach to this... :-) I was told by my personal trainer friend a way to help the "wings" Grab a 3-5 lb weight (id start off wth 3lbs) On a elevated survace like a weight bench or coffee table, place left knee on the bench same leg rested ontop of the bench Place your left hand on edge of the bench for…
    in Arms Comment by mandij86 November 2011
  • I chose to drastically cut out my animal intake when I saw the PETA video and read skinny *****! (awesome book) I started this weight loss due to health problems and it only made sense to cut out these products which are really bad for you, cause cancer, weight gain, heart and cholesterol problems, promote cruelty to…