

  • Agree with all of these! Your body is likely holding onto whatever it can due to insufficient nutrition. I would add, based on your activity, a lean protein shake post-workout and if you still have room, another before bed. Keep up the good work!!
  • You're noticing muscle gain? That's great! Muscle is very dense and weighs more than fat. If you are feeling better and feeling stronger, then maybe don't put so much focus on what the scale says. If you can test your body fat, I would do that, too. I'm not saying ignore the scale. Just don't obsess on it. Keep up the good…
  • I'm a huge fan of adding tuna and salmon to a high protein diet. Been at it for nearly two years and I've seen huge changes. If you can afford sashimi, go for it, but higher end canned fish isn't bad either. Balance that with eggs, yogurt, chicken, powders(go for low–fat and/or micronized) and you'll find it's not too hard…
  • I strongly recommend tuna! It's lean and tastes great. Won't weigh you down either. For adding muscle, try eating 1g of protein for every 2lbs of body weight. I eat slightly more than that, on average, when supplementing a Whey Isolate shake. Shakes vary drastically, so for that lean, toned look, be sure to find one that's…