

  • Imagine that they've actually licked every piece of it!! Or didn't wash their hands in the bathroom.... I know it sounds gross, but maybe it won't be as appetizing if you think of it that way. Maybe??!!??? :ohwell: Good luck - that's tough....
  • Do you have a friend you can do this with? (not spouse/partner). It helped me in the beginning for the first few weeks to have someone to complain with!! It's pretty rough the first few weeks because you never realized how many calories were in everything that you it takes a whole change of mind. I have this…
  • OOps - just saw your response. You have to drop calories down. Honestly 1200 a day you won't lose weight unless you're doing HOURS of cardio - and being a mom, I know that's not happening!! :) Try 800 and try burning at least 400 during workout. I don't know how many your workout burns, I'd think it's pretty close to that.
  • This program gave me 1200 calories a day...but that's too much. How many calories a day are you eating? And are they "good" calories? Like egg whites, tuna, veggies...not empty calories. When I dropped my calorie count down to between 600-800 and started doing more cardio workouts, I can see a big difference in the weight…
  • Hey - I have lots of allergies and my toddler now has them too unfortunately. Try to locate a chiropractor or wellness center in your area that does the BAX 3000 treatments - it's a laser technology - no shots, no drugs. It's supposed to reset your body so that you're no longer allergic to certain things. Now - I have done…