

  • I'm *definitely* no authority on this subject, and I have no idea what you're doing already (so definitely don't read this as criticism) but my thought is that you shouldn't address it with her, but rather ensure she's in a healthy environment / effect positive changes in her environment (90%+ of which you probably…
  • I've given up various things over the years, not specifically with the goal of losing weight, but just being healthier in general (and, in some cases, more frugal): 1. Desserts/sweets/candy/pastries (since ~2003) 2. Soda (since ~2007; drank 6+ cans of Mountain Dew per day in my prime) 3. Deep fried foods (including french…
  • I agree with what most others have been saying so far. Don't worry at all about using "light" weights. You're DOING IT, which is the critical part; the gym/weights/machines are not just for people who are already muscular, and they have the whole range of weights for a reason. If it makes you feel better, the routine I've…
  • The full version was good, but nice to *also* have the shortened summary for those who don't care to read all the details. (But I'd argue there were some very good details in the original that were left out of the shortened version.) As a number of people have been saying, I think the answer is that you need to eat more.…
  • I agree with what people are saying about the baked seasoned potatoes in lieu of deep-fried french fries. I gave up deep-fried foods a few years ago, and while I rarely crave any deep fried things now, some good seasoned potatoes wedges in the oven usually hit the spot when I'm itching for french fries. Stay strong!…
  • I've liked some progress I can see in the mirror, but I still get really down on myself for things I don't like. When I flex my arms and tighten my abs, I'm somewhat pleased, but then I pinch the remaining fat on my stomach and get pissed, and then relax my muscles and simultaneously feel skinny (in a bad way--arms, chest)…
  • The fourth pair ( ) are the only ones that look a little small to me (though not terrible); the rest look great. Nice work! (Though, even though you didn't ask, I'll add that the "distressing" on the front of the very last pair (…