Well said Maree! I am happy you have found what works for you!
Thanks! Ok, so that's a very distinct experience. Would you mind contrasting that to a "normal" eating experience. Those times when you approach food in a way you would like to.
I have found that for myself and for clients stopping the binge has to be the number one priority, not weight loss. Weight loss will come as a result of these changes but only once you address the binge can weight loss efforts be permanent. Joe, you mentioned that binging tends to happen only when you are alone. What else…
That's an excellent thought! Are you talking about snacking between meals?
Thanks for working so hard to get the pics posted. What a great dress! I know you will look gorgeous in it!
I think it's great to tap into any sort of motivation you can get your hands on! That being said, some of the best motivators are those that connect with us on a heart, or emotional level. When you look at the dress can you look beyond the fabric and notice the feelings of confidence and accomplishment you will feel when…
Congrats on your progress thus far! Learning to live a healthier life is just like any other skill... it takes some extra effort in the beginning. After getting some time under your belt you won't have to invest quite as much time learning new things or put the same level of effort into changing your habits. That being…
That's awesome! Way to be proactive and get some professional direction. It feels great to learn to master new moves!
Hey Amanda, Happy Birthday! The scale sure is finicky isn't it! Excellent advice above to take the fluctuation in stride. We can't control what the scale says, we can only control our healthy habits. I encourage clients to pick one habit to focus on at a time and nail it each and every day until it becomes a way of life.…