I was born in the U.S. I haven't had sex in six months I'm starting to think I'm addicted to yo-to dieting.
Looking and open o new motivation buddies who regularly check and give feedback. Add me!
I'm looking for motivation and support as well. I would like to lose about 20 lbs. I'm 5'5" and at 150lbs. Everyone please feel free to add me!
Gia- we are currently enrolling for participants to be part of the control group. Please note this is not a blind nor a double blind study. Would you care to partner Fitbit? He's currently flying solo.
Fitbit- you can be the control group.
Fitbit what are we talking about? I highly doubt Jay needs any Sildenafil!
I'm willing to participate in said clinical trial. As long as I'm partnered with Jay!
Name the time and place!
I don't think I've ever had sex worthy of 1k cals!
I love you peckerheads!
Slammed against walls?!
Lol@rhythmically during sex!
How did that work? Did you slow down once you came out of target heart rate?!
A hot nurses uniform!
Dinner. Maybe coffee.
I passed out in yoga today. Fed not one of my finer moments! Suppose skipping lunch didn't help!
Oh my pretty!
Carefree and fun loving!
Rebecca's tag line should be: Just Do IT!
That's a HIIT workout. Should be massive cal burn!
3?! 3?! What are you doing...just laying there?
You are hot!
Can we agree on a surrogate, please? I've worked too hard to get my body back!