Astralmage Member


  • Tricky question, and lots of good answers. My best guess for this would be to plan out how many calories your needing a day. Currently I am trying to lose weight so Im trying to stick around 1500 calories a day. Then I would want to follow some of the above advice and tweak it as needed. First of all I would likely plan my…
  • Wow, I am glad to have given so many a good laugh and start to your morning. My heart has finally fallen from my throat and I am feeling much better now. She will get hers. Dont know when or how, but I will share it when I do.
  • Ok, I could be wrong, but I think I have this one down. If someone sees a flaw in the thinking, please point it out. Typically the body will start to eat your muscles and or organs when it is starving, or it need protein to rebuild with. So i got to looking around and this is what I found. Since this diet is feeding the…
  • Metizzy2, Thanks for the congrats. Well, this is still new to me so I cant really say if I will or not. My thoughts, I dont see why not. Many diets that have those problems are ones where you diet, get tired of it then you quit. But this one is somewhat different. Our serving sizes are pretty small, but really no different…
  • Sesha86, That is exactly what I thought. But like Julie pointed out because of the HCG drops, the body burns up and uses the worst fat on your body. Not the good fat that is used for emergency fuel and muscle use, but the stuff we all want to be rid of. As the body burns this fat, everything that was stored at that time…
  • Wow, great input everyone. For me it was portion sizes and being amazed at how portion sizes are still big when your not eating junk. I rediscovered natural foods. Fruits and vegitables. Spices are my new friend, though you have to be careful since some contain some pretty awful stuff. Label reading is only hard when you…