

  • I don' think I have any problem with horse meat. I'm sure plenty of French people think we're weird when we come to not eating it. What does bother me is where it has come from, not just the horse meat but also the beef and pork that has been found. Regulations in the UK make it easy to track which animals was used in…
  • I wouldn't follow myfitnesspal for protein, fats, vitamins etc. Some reason many foods are either incorrect or incomplete with their nutritional values. It's only kcalories which is correct.
  • Why not try sunflower or vegetable oil based spreads? Tastes just as good as butter, but without the trans or saturated fats. You can even buy blended butter and sunflower spreads. I've never seen margarine for sale here in the UK. Margarine is banned in some countries, and America used to have to colour it pink by law to…