amandammmq Member


  • I don't have any foods in the house that tempt me. I don't even have bread in the house any more, because I'd be tempted to make toast with lots of butter! No crackers, chips, desserts, or candy. I also make sure I have plenty of cut up vegetables to snack on, and I plan out my whole day ahead of time, so that I'm never…
  • That's awesome! I'm going through a not so great phase right now, but definitely remember that "just one more minute" feeling. I have to confess, I have never liked stretching. One thing I like about walking or jogging this time of year is getting outdoors - being cooped up in a classroom all day (I work in a school, too,…
  • That's fantastic! Nice work.
  • There is definitely a humongous difference! What an excellent amount of progress in just 3 months.
  • This is all very interesting! birth control multivitamin b-complex fish oil vitamin d
  • If it fits into your budget, you can get jeans custom made for you at . You specify your exact measurements, pick your fabric, and boom. Jeans that fit exactly! I ordered from them before, because I have long legs.... but these days, more stores seem to be carrying long length pants and I've been…
  • I took a look at your food diary, and it looks like you're filling your day with lots of healthy choices. One drawback of My Fitness Pal is it doesn't discern between carbs from cookies or from fruits and vegetables. I honestly think it looks like you're on the right track with your food choices!
  • Big applause for all of the hard, HARD work that you have done! Your post is a great reminder that consistency and hard work are important, as well as continuously challenging yourself. You have done an amazing job. Not only do you look fabulous, but you are enjoying increased energy so that you can have more fun with your…
  • That must be so frustrating for your husband! I have mostly cut out wheat because I notice I have major energy crashes in the afternoon if I eat wheat. However, nothing TERRIBLE will happen to me if I do eat it (other than feeling like I can't stay awake). So, it has been my CHOICE to not have bread and other wheat-y…
  • I think thigh gap is a very real problem for cats. I mean, think about it... they have TWO SETS OF LEGS. Double the problem that we humans have.
  • But my real answer is that I like coffee a lot, but go through phases of caffeinated/ caffeine free. I'm currently in the midst of a fairly long caffeine free phase. Sometimes I like it black, sometimes I like it with milk and sugar. If it's iced, it's always with milk and sugar.
  • LOL When I'm on my period, I drink coffee while crying about how mean you are.
  • I remember the first year of college of being a really stressful time - it's such a huge change from high school, isn't it? I think it's great that you stopped the weight gain before you gained it ALL back... how many times have I done THAT before? Too many to admit here, thank you very much. :blushing: I remember there…
  • I hope you realize the irony of your statement. Do you mean North Americans? South Americans? Canadians? Central Americans? "America" covers the United States, Canada, and far beyond. :laugh:
  • Rotary phones! Grease (the movie)! Snuffleupagus when he was still invisible to adults! My plastic record player! Sit & Spin! I was born in 1973 so was a bit of a wee one for the 70's, but I still have those memories. I had some AWESOME white corduroy bell bottoms (with pink and red flowers) that my mom made for me.... and…
  • Chia seeds are way better. That is all.
  • I cooked a bunch yesterday. Tonight is Thai coconut corn stew, accompanied by cumin lime tofu and brown rice. if I'm still hungry later, I have space for an orange and some veggie sticks.
  • That sounds really complicated. :laugh:
  • I'm glad you posted this! I, too, am really struggling. I am on track maybe 4 days out of 7, and am actively GAINING weight. :explode: I suspect that part of this is due to hormonal stuff, (I am suspicious that I might be starting early premenopause) but it's not so bad that I would not be capable of overcoming the…
  • Are you, by any chance, using Axe body spray? That stuff is straight up disgusting. I'd rather sniff a "side of the bed sock". Okay, maybe not, but, you get my point.
  • Make sure not to use deodorant, and work up a HUGE sweat. The aroma of your man musk will have THEM asking YOU out!
  • I like it sliced on a veggie burger, with salsa. This would work on a regular burger too, I'm sure! Atop steamed veggies and rice with a tasty sauce of your choice. In half with soy sauce in the hole, scoop out and eat. In a smoothie - it adds amazing creaminess but if you only put 1/4 in, it doesn't taste weird. In a…
    in AVOCADO Comment by amandammmq March 2013
  • It's obviously not an issue any more, but when I did have long hair, I'd put it on top of my head, but the key was to use a soft terrycloth ponytail holder so that the ponytail wasn't TIGHT. Otherwise, it definitely would have driven me nuts! It's also key to put your hair up JUST before bed time, and to lay the hair up…
  • Some of them still do. Some of them do not. I just watched a program about tribes in New Guinea, and actually getting meat is pretty rare. They survive off of starchy roots like manioc.
  • Well, I am still at my heaviest at the moment, but I have been much slimmer! I carry most of my weight below the belly button, and my thighs, hips, butt are very jiggly, thick, and cellulitey at the moment. Although being in good shape helps, the time when my thighs FINALLY didn't look "thick" was when I was SLIM. I'm…
    in Legs! Comment by amandammmq March 2013
  • I assume you break those into sets..... for relative newbies, can they be body weight squats?
  • I've been told I should add squats to my repertoire. What is the 30 day squat challenge?
  • I was shocked when a 40+ year old friend of mine was complaining about PMS symptoms and said, "what am I going to have to do, track when I'm going to get my period?" and I was thinking, "um, why haven't you been doing this for 25 years already???" I'm guessing that a lot of women were just never told to keep track of their…
  • First off, good for you for going ahead and logging everything that you ate, and looking into the problem! When I have been successful at avoiding the donuts, ice cream, cookies and so on is when I do not have them in the house at all. When they're in the house, all bets are off. I'd try the following: 1. make sure the…
  • It was worth it for me. They put me in an extra narrow shoe, 1/2 size larger than I had been wearing before, and it made a big difference. A year later, I was all, "I'm going to save money and get non-narrow shoes", and although it felt fine while I was running, I ended up getting blackened and bruised toenails which have…