

  • Welcome! You can add me!!! You can do this!!! WE all can do this! :-) I tell myself that I did not put it on in a month and it will NOT come off in a month. I love MFP and I have a wonderful group of ladies that I workout with. We call, txt and FB one another every morning to help us all be accountable for our health!!!
  • I think for many of us women we are disgusted by stretch marks after kids, but those are our "TIGER STRIPES" and I know I earned mine. :-) As you continue to lose, you may notice the marks become less visible. But, while you can't get rid of the marks without surgery, there are some creams out there that help with color if…
  • that's great! sounds like you have found your answer! :-)
  • Just a thought. But do you think you are someone that does not process carbs well? I know I don't. If I ate carb for carb with someone who does process them well, they would can 3 pounds and I would gain 10. I know you are trying other things out. BUT, if you find things still aren't moving in the right direction- perhaps…
  • I think like muscle confusion when you workout, you have to confuse your body with calories a little too. I agree, that you should try to EAT those extra calories in a clean way. When your body "learns" that it is only going to get so many a calories in a day, it will store- sooo, mixing it up a little will help "confuse"…
  • While I am NOT a 38-DD, my good fiend is and know that she wears 2, yes 2 sports bras everytime we work out. Good luck! I know the trouble I had finding a good one just being a 38-C.
  • I have a "New Balance" Calorie Counter/HRM with chest strap. I wear it Zumba, Body Pump, Runnning. The chest strap isn't bad, fits right at your sports bra line. I think it is pretty acurate. There are more expensive one out there, but this one was around $60 at Target. SOOO worth every penny!
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