

  • HI Stacie, I have struggled a lot with depression and anxiety (generalized and social) since my teens, sometimes completely out of the game for 6 months. I ran the gamete with trial and error on drugs, Paxil, Celexa, Prozac, Zoloft…you name it, until I got to Effexor, which has anti-anxiolytic effects (just like Paxil). I…
  • You are preaching to the choir here - my biggest battle was consistency. I had this in spades a few months back , (nutela bagels with banana at 2am X 2..yikes ) and its as discouraging as hell because 3 days or working out and clean eating can feel/be ruined by an ice-cream gorge at 2am. MyfitnessPal used to look like the…
  • Hi Isis, So, first off I would suggest the "4 - Hour Body, released last year. (Its a big book but you only need to select certain chapters) - I am sure amazon has quite a load of second hand ones at this point. All healthy foods are not created equal, and some should not be eaten at all. If you want to go equally hardcore…