prinqt Member


  • At Fruity - You gained all muscle weight - right?! :o)
  • Columbus here!
  • Okay, that makes sense. The Strawberry Cheesecake from the Dannon Fit and Light is just sooooo yummy. I'll do Greek, but keep my strawberry cheesecake as an occasional treat that doesn't take me completely off track.
  • Zoo was the only one I know about. I think October should have a Susan G Komen one somehwere I would think. I'm a swimmer, so this fish has a long way to go before I can think about doing a race. Just started walking with occasional blips of jogging and ramping a little bit more each day. I'm targeting the Dirty Girl next…
  • young girls - after they post pictures on Facebook of their fashion (which I now call dental floss fashion), and people call them names and pick on them that they are $luts, they complain! I know I sound unsensitive to cyber bullying right now. But if you want to be treated or called a lady, then you have to act and dress…
  • I am up in Columbus (30 min north of the East Towne). I just joined an 8 week challenge group that starts the weigh-ins tomorrow. You could join that group with us. It is not Mad town specific, but has a Monday weigh-in.
  • I hope she was not telling you that's program is bad. It has been only two weeks, and only one pound for me (depressingly show start), but has already been life changing and completly eye opening for me. Foods I thought were healthy were really making me gain weight. at the very least it is a good (and…
  • Me and my friends at work are all doing this site together. And one of the things I am doing to help keep us motivated is emailing a funny diet saying every Friday. Google or Yahoo Search "Funny Diet Quotes". The results will give you a fun kick! Stay with it. Nothing worth while comes easy. Until then, laugh a little, it…
  • Bannanas are high in fat. Watermellon is a negative calorie food. Do a google or yahoo search on negative calorie foods.
  • I unfortunatly have the same problem. tiny safety pins are what I use until I have the money for a reduction.