Achiever7 Member


  • I like what you had to say. Thank you. I hope I can stick with it too.
  • Nice chin! Can't wait to find mine. :)
  • I know what you mean...I always used to like to feel full before bed, which of course is the worst for you, but I swear I could fall to sleep easier. One thing that has helped sometimes...there is a cereal that is puffed brown rice, like really puffy. I forget what it's called. Like the old sugar smacks without the sugar.…
  • i've managed 8 days without a break, but having to force myself every time. Thanks for the added inspiration to keep going.
  • OMG, I am in tears at the outpouring of support. This was my first post. Thanks so much for all of the advice, encouragement and tips. I too heard of this on MFP, didn't know anything about it. (I never watched any biggest loser shows...a little too close to home for me) I went to Wally World to get it today. (found out it…
  • Jessica Seinfeld (Jerry's wife) has a cookbook called Deceptively Delicious, which has lots of ways to sneak veggies into kid favorites. It mostly involves making pureed veggies and adding them to things like pizza sauce or mac and cheese. I also would bet that if you served fruits and veggies as an appetizer when she is…
  • That's a great story. Thanks. I turned 38 this December and have similar aspirations. Just want to feel better and improve my life. So good to hear how you've created a new life style and habits for yourself. Best wishes.