

  • If you want to try something that helps, you might consider doing HCG injections. (I put a lot of info in my post 'HCG'. HCG helps to peel off the abnormal fat deposits, leaving the 'normal' and desirable fat intact. Yes, we do have desirable fat- the fat pads on the bottoms of our feet (that many aerobics minded people…
  • The data base depends on what others enter. If their numbers are wrong, then you suffer the consequence. A lot of folks enter stuff at random, it seems. I noticed the same thing last night when tomatoes came up as 3 calories for 4 ounces. I try to use the non-member entered items as often as I can, and don't use the cooked…
  • I am another George Foreman obsessed person. I own 3 of the large ones, one small one and one of the new ones with the removable plates that can go flat and also make waffles. I also got the George Foreman Spin Fryer for Christmas and LOVE it. It hardly allows the food to soak up any oil, and we can have fried foods…
  • General rule of thumb is one point =75 calories So if the recipe says it is 2 points, then count it as 150 calories, though it may be a bit more or less- the point system round up or down.
    in help Comment by gggivens February 2009
  • I am a big fan of stir-fry style fajitas with lots of vegis. I also really LOVE green chili- and it is very low cal, especially for as filling as it is. I serve it over eggs and a tortilla with a touch of cheese. Or my husband's favorite dish- chipotle chicken chowder. It is a thick pretty soup that I serve with corn bread…
  • Iris- Don't let the pictures of the skinny minis bother you too much. You are right- almost all of them are airbrushed to death. And truth be known, while med like the pictures of skinny women (Because they are styled up, posed seductively, and are the 'unattainable' treat), in real life, most men find those skinny minis…
  • The one I go thru is They are based in Colorado Springs, but will 'see' clients all over the country. If you are not local, they do a phone consult with you and the doctor. I personally did not wait to see the doc to start the program, because I felt comfortable with my knowledge. But some do wait, to…
  • Physically, when you are stressing your muscles to the extent you describe, you are depleting the stores of glycogen (sugar) in the muscles themselves. This requires replacement from some source. The body is designed to either obtain the replacement from the food you have or will soon eat (thus the feeling that you are…
  • Actually the diet portion is much easier than I thought it ever would be. I eat lean meats (chicken, beef, fish, seafood, or sometimes egg whites) and LOTS of veggies. I am actually full when I am done eating. And because fruits are allowed (and simple carbs are not), I end up buying and eating more apples than usual,…
  • On the potato thing- if you just HAVE to have actual fried french fries, make them at home using the Foreman Spin Deep Fryer. I got one for Christmas and used it almost daily, sometimes twice a day, for the first couple of weeks. After cooking well over 50 batches of food in it, I measured the oil level, and discovered…
  • On the potato thing- if you just HAVE to have actual fried french fries, make them at home using the Foreman Spin Deep Fryer. I got one for Christmas and used it almost daily, sometimes twice a day, for the first couple of weeks. After cooking well over 50 batches of food in it, I measured the oil level, and discovered…
  • Hi Everyone! I am an RN who lost a bunch of weight (65 pounds) a few years ago, on my own, through exercise and dietary awareness. Since then, though, I was rear ended by a drunk driver who then attempted to drive over me while driving away from the scene. The whole incident left me with a dislocated right shoulder and 2…
  • The Wii Fit is great also for losing weight without realizing you are actually exercising. Try ones where you run or balance. I also like Dance Dance Revolution. Both get you moving in a fun way, and you can play with your kids if you have any.
  • I recently lost 65 pounds in a matter of 6 months. My main choice for exercise was weight lifting. My goal (due to vanity) was fat loss and toning. I did not care as much about the cardiac benefits. I used a BowFlex and designed my own program and wrote it down, so that I could remember what I did and in what order. I did…
  • Considering that your grams is elderly, and the elderly typically do not care for sour foods, I would suggest trying a few of the sour spray candies that young children like to eat. If she does not care for sour, then she would not eat the whole thing on a whim. They are sour sugar water, and would be enough to raise her…
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