

  • Remember, every ounce of water equals one ounce of weight. So yes, if you drink a bunch during the day, your weight will naturally go up.
  • I know that most of the people responding are opposed to energy drinks, and I understand why. HOWEVER- I am a nurse that works 7 or 8 12 hour shifts in a row. I cannot drink a lot of caffeine, and I do not drink soda or coffee. I LOVE Zipfizz. It is an energy drink with very little caffeine, and LOTS of B Vitamins and…
  • Try the '3 bite rule' You can satisfy your desire for the taste with 3 bites of whatever it is you want. After 3 bites, you are no longer really tasting it anyway. I used to cut myself a piece of cake or brownie, then eat the whole piece. I did much better when I chose to eat directly from the pan, but limit myself to 3…
  • If you are like I used to be, it was because I felt fatter than everyone else that was there, and did not know how to use the machines. Do yourself a favor, if that is your problem. Buy yourself some cute comfortable workout outfits, and book some time with a personal trainer at the gym. Have them show you how to use the…
  • You might try getting some 'MBT' shoes. These are shoes that are curved on the bottom and have a sort of shock-absorbing heel material. The shoes reduce impact to your knees by 19%, and stretch your feet while supporting your arch. (They are NOT the same as those silly shoes with the springs for heels, nor the same as the…
  • Do not deep fry in Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The smoke point is too low and the food will burn before it is able to cook through. Deep frying is best done in Peanut Oil, unless you are allergic. It has a very high smoke point, and no flavor of it's own. If you like it, 'oven fried' is a good alternative. You can use Fiber…
  • I would keep the guacamole, myself. Avacados are healthy fat. As for the munchies before the meal- try a small portion of chips (Ask the waiter if they can make some baked chips for you. If it is not busy, they might be willing to accomodate your request. I would have when I was waitressing.) You could also try a shrimp…
  • Yes-reexamine what she said to cut out please. Cut out sugar and flour (simple carbs) but please don't cut out complex carbs (vegis, etc.) Those you may need to keep an eye on, but I think you got it backwards.
  • 4 Cups a day is OK. You CAN get too much though. Spinach is high in iron, and it can cause problems. Why do you eat so of this one vegi much when there are other yummy things out there as well? Expand your diet!
    in Spinich Comment by gggivens March 2009
  • Try a bit of weight lifting, not at a high intensity. When you lower your calories and think of it as a diet, your mind will actually tell your body to save what you are eating. I recently read a book (I think it was called 'The Gabriel Method') that I bought from Amazon. It made a lot of sense- talks about not dieting,…
  • Hi again! Katrina- Try cutting chicken breast portions into your 100 grams, put each piece into a baggie and freeze. When you want to eat, thaw the chicken, and use a smooth side of a meat mallet to pound the meat out thin. Then you can cook it and it feels like more because it is larger. I season the chicken with lemon…
  • Hi Katina- I did not catch this post when you first put it up. I am also on the HCG Diet. I have 7 more injections to go to complete my first cycle of 40 shots. So far, I have lost 24 pounds, and except for the first 3 days of the diet, when I had to add a couple of egg whites every day, I have been able to do GREAT with…
  • Great job! You can really see the difference...not just in your waistband area, but the area of your upper abdomen, and your arms as well! Cogratulations!
  • You tore part of your calf muscle. Lucky it was in the middle of the muscle and not at the tendon insertion site. The muscle will take a couple of weeks minimum to heal. While it is healing, I recommend not doing hard stretches, but continue to try walk normally. Ice the area for the next couple of days to keep swelling…
  • I am a Registered Nurse- I work as a Traveler- which means I change jobs and residences every 3 months or so. I am also a as-yet-to-be-printed Cookbook Author. I am stuck on what to call it. I have hundreds of people clamoring for me to get it printed, so I will really soon. Good food- which I am avoiding eating right now-…
  • Evil Donuts are my weakness. And I used to be a donut fryer- back before my now almost 20 year old daughter was born. I ate the odd-man-out off of every rack. (Raised donuts fit 25 on a rack, so I ate the one that I could not fit into the 2 boxes.) The only problem was that I ate the extra one off of every rack, and was…
  • Do yourself a favor, and if you do have the urge to go, don't wait. Many times, especially when your fiber has increased, you may get the 'urge' at an inopportune time, and hold it, which means you shut off the urge and hold the stool, which causes it to continue to dry out, and makes it hard to go. Also, if you have cut…
  • I LOVE Chipotle Chicken Chowder (My own recipe that I developed) Green Chili on Eggs Natural Peanut Butter and All Fruit Spread as a dip for Pretzel Rods Scrambled Eggs (the WHOLE egg) with a bit of ham and cheese, with salsa on top Blackened Chicken or Blackened MahiMahi MahiMahi in any form, actually (The only fish that…
  • I opened up a can of creamed corn once to put it in my chipotle chicken chowder, and I am glad that I looked at it first.....cuz it was PURPLE!! I wrote to Libby's to tell them, and all I got was 4 coupons for a free can of whatever, whatever size. I think I should have told them that my son ate it and got sick...maybe…
  • From your brief description of what you used to eat, it sounds like you were eating nutritionally depleted foods. Foods that have very little real nutritive quality do little to actually satisfy hunger. When you start eating more 'real' food- fresh fruits, good dairy, health fish, etc. then your body does not scream out…
  • I use the Bare Minerals as well. I have been using it for over 10 years now, off and on. Off when I could not afford it or could not get it (before we had the internet up and functional like it is now). I have tried other mineral makeups over the years (just to see) but always come back to Bare Minerals (my husband always…
  • I recommend a hard liquor (Vodka, Rum, Tequila, something like that) mixed with non-caloric items. The reasoning for this is that having any kind of sugar (fruit juice, V8 or sugared cola) affects your insulin levels and causes a hunger response. Beer will do the same thing, since it has a lot of natural sugars in it. Hard…
  • No- it does not hurt. It actually feels really good. I can't do it right now cuz my sinuses are really congested and hanging upside down fills them up. But normally, it just stretches me out and I feel so relaxed afterwards. I go right to bed to give myself a chance to adjust and the discs a chance to go back in and not…
  • Hi Melissa- I know what you mean by the pain! I have 3 herniated discs in my lower back (lumbar region) that caused my legs to be numb for years, while at the same time causing extreme back and butt pain. That happened after I hit a deer. And then last year, I was hit by a drunk driver and herniated 2 discs in my neck as…
  • When I feel the PMS munchies coming on, I make it a point to eat a couple of eggs for breakfast, along with a healthy sweet, like cantaloupe or dark chocolate. Then my craving is satisfied or killed for most of the day. Eggs are my secret diet food. When I make it a point to eat 2-3 eggs for breakfast, I lose weight,…
  • Junk food is not the right thing for you if you want to stay healthy and feel good. Juices and sodas are expensive and mostly empty calories. I suggest switching to water, home-brewed tea, milk and the occasional vegetable juices. As for good protein, I recommend looking through the sales circulars from all of your local…
  • Hi there- I know what you are going through. The standard levels for TSH have been debated for years. Not all doctors will treat a borderline case. I recommend that you talk with your doctor about a trial on thyroid replacement hormone. It is inexpensive and has few side effects at the dose that he will start you on. I…
  • The biggest problem with the dairy in today's world is that it comes from cows that are fed antibiotics and hormones for all of their lives. These are both excreted in feces and urine, but they are also stored in the animal's body fat. Therefore, when we drink the milk, it contains the antibiotics and hormones. Also, the…
  • My husband is actually fairly supportive. My mother, on the other hand, is much the same way. After I lost 65 pounds a few years ago, my mother, who had not seen me at all during the losing phase, did not say a thing during her entire 2 week visit...until the last day. Then, when I was wearing a pair of jeans that were a…
  • I have some shoes that I bought called 'MBT'- same concept. It makes your foot unstable, and uses more of your muscles when you walk. The first time I took a 3 mile walk I really felt it. The best thing though is that it also decreased the strain on my knees. I am a nurse and on my feet all day- I wear these to work and my…
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