
skiski Posts: 173 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I decided this year I would commit to being healthier...for life- so i bought myself a rather expensive gym member ship but feel too ashamed to go...

which is pathetic but try as i might i just can't seem to summon up the courage to go in...

any advice i know how silly this is but i needed to know i am not alone xxx:sad:


  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    I decided this year I would commit to being healthier...for life- so i bought myself a rather expensive gym member ship but feel too ashamed to go...

    which is pathetic but try as i might i just can't seem to summon up the courage to go in...

    any advice i know how silly this is but i needed to know i am not alone xxx:sad:
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    Why are you ashamed to go??
  • Girl, just pick youreself up and say OK...........Enough is enough every day you put it off is another day you can be counting down to youre destination! U can do it, once you get that push you will look forward to dont seem to need to lose much.....Sometimes thats when its a little harder, but you can do it.....Get up and move today! This time next month you will be so joyful you did~ i fell off the wagon for three days straight recently but now im dont moping and im moving on going to take a brisk walk in just a few in fact!
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    to the gym and generally out and about x
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    You have nothing to be ashamed of little lady. :flowerforyou:
    You will feel so much better about yourself once you get out and exercise. The gym is awesome because you will meet people there that are trying to do the same thing as you.

    All the best!:flowerforyou:
  • I remember the first time I joined a gym. I was nervous to go because I was overweight, and I thought everyone else there would be skinny and fit. But I knew I needed to work on me, so I just put those thoughts aside, and went. And you know what, I was not the only overweight person there! And nobody sits at a gym to watch / mock other people. Everyone there has their own reason for being there, and they are focused on themself. Don't worry about it, and just go. You will feel better once you get into it. I promise!
  • specialsong77
    specialsong77 Posts: 78 Member
    I decided this year I would commit to being healthier...for life- so i bought myself a rather expensive gym member ship but feel too ashamed to go...

    which is pathetic but try as i might i just can't seem to summon up the courage to go in...

    any advice i know how silly this is but i needed to know i am not alone xxx:sad:

    I find it hard to go it alone and I "just know" everyone there is going to look amazing and I will feel ashamed and less than all of the hard bodies there.... I would suggest either trying to find a buddy to go with for support, or go at the slow times at the gym when there are less people. Just keep telling yourself you NEED to be there. This is a gift to yourself years down the road. I certainly sympathize though and I know it is not easy. Plus with the economy the way it is you don't want to waste the money you have invested in that membership so don't allow your fears to rob you of your money or your health. It is advice I am trying to apply to myself every day as well. It is tough. But we can do it!:wink:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I remember the first time I joined a gym. I was nervous to go because I was overweight, and I thought everyone else there would be skinny and fit. But I knew I needed to work on me, so I just put those thoughts aside, and went. And you know what, I was not the only overweight person there! And nobody sits at a gym to watch / mock other people. Everyone there has their own reason for being there, and they are focused on themself. Don't worry about it, and just go. You will feel better once you get into it. I promise!

    I had these issues too.

    Go early morning. Only real devotees are there in the mornings, I've found.
    Heck, call and ask them what times of the day they are dead!

    Don't let that membership go to waste. Get out there. Put on your music. Do something good for your body AND mind.

  • gggivens
    gggivens Posts: 46
    If you are like I used to be, it was because I felt fatter than everyone else that was there, and did not know how to use the machines. Do yourself a favor, if that is your problem. Buy yourself some cute comfortable workout outfits, and book some time with a personal trainer at the gym. Have them show you how to use the machines. Then when you go in, you will feel more confident. Also, having the appointment with the trainer 'makes' you go in for a while, which helps to establish a habit.

    Years ago, when I was 18 and 185 pounds, I joined a bodybuilder gym as a New Years resolution to get in better shape(I didn't know that was what it was until after I had been there). The gal at the front desk was the only female in the place besides me- and she took pity on me and showed me how to use the weights and machines. I ended up making sure she was there when I went, and I became rather obsessive on the whole deal. I ended up losing 60 pounds in one month! By my 19th birthday at the end of January, I was down to 125 pounds! (I could never do it that fast now, but I did back then. And it stayed off until I was 8 1/2 months pregnant.)

    Anyway, I digress....

    Dress the part, hire a trainer and try to go in when it is not really crowded until you find your place.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    it is a safe bet that at least half if not moreof the people in the gym feel exactly the way you do...dont worry about it ...being there is a positive thing and most people are so wrapped in their own deal...just go about your paid for it and you deserve to be there as much as anyone else:smile:
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thank you Thank you Thank you

    all of you for the speedy and amazing responses...i am going to go very early tomorrow morning before suggested i gave them a call and thats when it is much quieter...

    sometimes the hardest thing to do is to remember we deserve to be healthier- I was 188 lbs for a long time and sometimes think that my body has changed but my mind is still stuck at that- along with my self esteem-

    thank you all for making me know that it is not just me and for a boost to go for it & make it count xxx
  • batc
    batc Posts: 6
    like this board, most all people who go to the gym are helpfull. Most all have the same reasons as you may. Why would you be ashamed of taking a step to correct what you dont like about your health and or life. Look at who this is fore. YOU, nobody else, why would you even think about what other people thought. This is one of those "for me" things. Get over it and get to the gym.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    Girl, just pick youreself up and say OK...........Enough is enough every day you put it off is another day you can be counting down to youre destination! U can do it, once you get that push you will look forward to dont seem to need to lose much.....Sometimes thats when its a little harder, but you can do it.....Get up and move today! This time next month you will be so joyful you did~ i fell off the wagon for three days straight recently but now im dont moping and im moving on going to take a brisk walk in just a few in fact!
    I agree with this...and not to mention...sometimes we attach emotions to this just to justify them? Like, i feel to ashamed so that means I dont have to go......dont let being ashamed stop you and dont allow yourself to LET an emotion have that kind of doesnt justify anything!!! Be happy you bought proud of that...and get going girl!hehe
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    really, a trainer is only like $15-25 a session, depending in where you live. and just using them for like a couple visits will give you the time to get familiar with the equipment and the enviroment. My friend is a trainer and she hears the same story form everyone. So go out there girl.....You have nothing to lose but a few lbs. I bet everyone there is really nice and you will probably meet your new best friend. Good luck....
  • Mercede
    Mercede Posts: 21
    I am one of several ladies in my exercise class that is overweight. The largest lady in our class can't do most of the moves so she just does something else that she is able to do. She told us yesterday she has lost 5 pounds in her first 6 weeks. She shows up for every class and allways trys. All of us in the class admire her so much. Don't worry about going to your gym. You will make new friends and feel so good about yourself.
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    I used to be embarrassed, too... I felt weak and insecure and didn't know where to start. I decided to tag along with a buddy of mine that was familiar with the machines and could show me how to use free weights... I asked him to walk me through some routines. He was in great shape and I felt kind of puny and pathetic for the first few minutes, but he was actually a good motivator. He taught me a lot and I learned how to build some good routines from his mentorship....

    that was a long time ago and I've fluctuated up and down since then. I still remember what and how to do, but sometimes I do still feel insecure going back to the gym after being away. My fear is that people will make fun of me... so what I do is put my game face on! I pop in my earphones and crank up my music, I put on a serious face and I ignore everyone else for the most part. I go in with a routine written on a sticky note and I stick to it... I slip into my own world and I get tunnel vision... and I don't even notice other people any more. Before I know it, I'm done and I feel great and I can't wait to go back!

    You can conquer your fears. Before you know it, you'll be looking forward to your gym time... your YOU-TIME!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    now the gym you signed up for you hopefully went in to have a look at it before you joined and also give you an idea of what type of people (physically workout there)

    There are different gyms for different gyms- We have a gym here that anybody can sign up for but if your body isn't smoking you might get looks because everyone in there is training for competitions-

    Then there are other gyms that have a all types of people, overweight and fit people-

    You will be okay- You may get looks but who cares put your ipod on and get to business--
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