

  • i'm 31 and just started a couple of days ago.Looking to lose 20-25 lbs.
  • My cousin and i love it with lemon pepper, lemon juice and butter (there is a no calorie margarine) and bake. So nummy! Pollock is really good.
  • I don't think it matter who posts it or where they post it. people need advice and want friends to help. So please don't bash people for it.
  • Salads are good, my cousin uses wish bone spray salad dressings they are 15 calories for 10 sprays. She is also on my page her name is tara draayer she is great to have also.
  • There is nothing wrong with having a bad week, i just started yesterday and i know some days will be bad but that's why we have friends and family to help us get through it. You don't want to give up so don't. You sound like you are a strong willed woman so keep going and you will make it.