midgar777 Member


  • I also did my own thread but hey, I'll jump in here too because I'm proud of myself :) Starting Weight: 70kg / 11.023 stone / 154.3lbs Day 63 Weight: 65.8kg / 10.36 stone / 145 lbs I won't embed the IMG because its huge :)!...see below: http://www.thecityisburning.com/insanity.jpg Well done everyone, I've just worked my…
  • Thanks :) I'm really pleased that there's a difference even if its just a little bit. I thought I'd be so glad to have finished insanity but now I really crave a workout xD! I think ill go for T25 as planned :D!
  • I've got 2 weeks of Insanity left - here is last year holiday me vs current me. http://d.pr/i/L8w7 I'm less bloated and have lost a bit of the fat but I can't seem to shift the belly fat :< Does anyone have any ideas on what to do once I've finished Insanity? I feel like my knees need a rest as they are the part of my body…
  • I'll be starting the last month tomorrow! I started on a saturday initially because I didn't know how my crohns would handle all the exercise - it seems okay so far though! The recovery week didn't feel too much like a recovery period but it's all good haha! This is my first attempt and I haven't missed a workout in the…
  • Thanks for the tips guys. I haven't taken measurements...what exactly should I be measuring? You can't get shakology over in the uk so it's not an option for me. I'm definitely going to try the diet plan though and see how it goes. You get bonus points for saying "Dig Deeper" that made me laugh haha!
  • I started on the 8th...weird timing I know but I had some days off and wanted to give myself the weekend to check it didn't aggravate my crohns too much - it didn't! Day 5 done and loving it do far - feel free to add me if you need more people :)! Good luck everyone!
  • added :) What games you been playing at the moment? I'm tearing it through Final Fantasy XIII-2 on the PS3, loving every minute KUPO ;3
  • I've not played it but my friends that have say it's great until you get towards the end game content. They say there's a lot of copy pasted content from earlier in the levelling process and it just feels rushed. I'd recommend playing something without a sub, there's plenty of brilliant RPGs out there and Mass Effect 3 is…
  • As soon as I've got enough to get a house with my lady...I'm doing this! Sounds like an amazing idea :D! Welcome to MFP I've been doing it for a little while now but I'm new to the community ^_^!
  • I wish they'd integrate the community threads and forums into the app itself. It's not a huge effort to login with a browser but it would be pretty cool to not bother xD!
  • I'm afraid I don't - it always looked pretty cool though. I resisted SW:TOR too just because I knew I'd become hooked haha! I used to raid pretty hardcore on WoW and climbed pretty high up in the european rankings for strict 10 man guild progress...then I got bored ;3
  • Holy **** you guys :D! The amount of adds and responses I just got are epic - Thanks so much! For those of you asking, I game mainly on PS3 & Xbox (Midgar777) but I also have a gaming PC, 3DS, and I've pre-ordered a PS Vita too. The one gaming series I am an absolute sucker for is Final Fantasy! Just completed FFXIII-2…
  • Hey, I've been doing MFP for about 6 weeks. In that time by sticking to 1200 calories a day I've gone from 72kg to about 69kg - hell my trousers are almost too big for me now haha :D! Keep at it.. it's really hard at first adjusting to eating less calories and it's annoying because I really love snacking and not caring…