davodavodavo Member


  • Best part of my life has been definitely being a dad, however waiting for them to get a little older before going back to the gym consistently took a little of time. I’ve been back in the gym for 7 months and have only missed one training day without having a double make up workout. All I can say to all the parents is…Your…
  • I would try to run for 45 min and see where your heart rate averages at…for example when I am on the tread mill I like to keep it around 147-149 so I can run for 45-60 min. If I go any higher my body won’t complete the duration goal, what I’m trying to convey is you can speed up or slow down the pace and then measure gains…
  • The challenge is trying to find your own metabolic rate and transcribing into an exercise program with your heart rate calculations. I have found a different level of information among some of the products and websites as most of everyone is describing. Personally, I really like the Polar brands that you can input a lot of…