Mandykat760 Member


  • I just sent you a request. I'm starting fresh again lol. My journey started alil over a year ago but I still struggle from time to time. I'm currently doing P90x3 but I'm failing on the diet end. The sugar bug is hard to kick.
  • I'm a Beach Body coach. I joined the coaching part for the discounts. I can honestly say my "coach" really did help me. She got me motivated and held me accountable. I also put on 90 day challenges for my family and friends. I find motivating other people holds me accountable. If I make $ doing it great if not oh well. I…
  • Agusia, you just explained my life before switching me diet! What have you been doing? Have you tried an AIP diet?
  • Agusia, you just explained my life before switching me diet! What have you been doing? Have you tried an AIP diet?
  • Perfect! I always like moving these groups to Facebook. Will you please add me, Amanda Kroepfl. Or message me your name and I will get everything started!
  • I have Hashimotos. Cutting gluten, exercising, drinking Shakeology and stay up on my meds helps. I was told I shouldn't have a problem with gluten but Oviously I did.
  • This is the website.
  • It's the best nutritional shake on the market. You use it as a meal replacement. I'm doing it because going gluten free I'm missing out on a lot on my vitamins and fiber.
  • I'm creating a private Facebook group. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will add you to the group.
  • I'm having problems getting everyone into the Facebook group. Please friend request me at
  • Those who are in... Did I miss anyone?
  • #1 eat healthy! #2 exercise I recommend 5 days a week but I do understand people are at diffrent levels. #3 support others and hold them accountable! I also want to throw in small surprise challenges as time goes on. Gott keep it fun right!
  • If you guys don't mind I would love to add you to a 100% private fb group. I need you names on Facebook or you can look me up and add me as a friend. My name is Amanda Kroepfl
  • I'm looking for 10 people to join. So if you guys have any friends that would be interested let me know. Apart of the challenge is you must commit to workout, report you intake and support the other members in the group with kind works and swift kicks in the butt when they don't stay on track!
  • Oh I'm so excited! Are you ladies on Facebook?
  • Sometimes it just feels like when you're down you get kicked by life. I'm sorry for your losses. And dame that sucks about the job loss! Do you work? Where is this new house? Did you buy it?