Thank you! I will take a look.
Awesome thank you everybody!
You are so right! I see this happening everywhere! What was I thinking?
I have a two boys (1 & 3). I also lost weight while pregnant but piled it on after I stopped breastfeed
Here's an article that was written based on tons of medical journal articles..
@kae612 I agree! I posted this question because I was hoping to find that this is not true and that dairy in moderation is fine. Lots of people have stated that it is fine but what research are they basing their opinions on? I have no research either way and should probably do my own. I figured in a group like this…
Thank you! This is the research I was looking for. I should have mentioned that my Pediatric Gastrointestinal Doctor also recommend eliminating milk after age 2.
Jgnatca, yes I agree that milk is the very best food for infants (all mammals)... But mammals drink their mother's milk not cow's milk. We are the only mammal (and I am sure somebody will correct me if I am wrong) that drinks another animal's milk.
I do not have any sources and am no means against dairy. My kids consume tons of milk. Some of my fitness friends have been telling me this as well as my chiropractor but I am yet to see or read an article where they are getting their info so I thought this would be the best place to ask. I appreciate all the POLITE…
Hi I just add chia seeds to unsweetened almond milk with a touch of honey and vanilla. Let it sit overnight in the refrigerator. It's really good.
I have 80 to lose. Mother of two small boys that have tons of energy. I need to keep up and it's not fair on them that I am overweight and can't! Doing this for my children but also for me. I want to be around for a long time for them. I want to be able to run with them in the park, climbs trees, swim in the ocean,…