

  • Madeamama gave a good response. I'm at work so didn't really have time to explain benefits. I'm new to juicing (just over a month) and my main reason for juicing personally to to get as much natural nutrients, iron especially that I normally don't get with my eveyday diet. The three recipes I posted were just the green…
  • Green Recupes: (1) - Kale Leaves - Collard Greens - Parsley - Cilantro - Cucumber - Celery - Granny Smith Apple - Limes (2) - Handful Parsley - Carrots - Kale - Lemon (3) - Kale - Collard Greens - Carrots - Parsley - Apple - Green Bell Pepper
  • Sent you a request! :-)
    in Hiya Comment by samadora June 2012
  • I added you! You can do it.. I'm pretty sedentary myself... corporate office, job in a cublcle... bla bla bla. lol. I try to workout when I can "sneak away" from the kids... Side Note - Plese don't take this seriously people but why does most people reply and say, "Add me". We all need motivation. Add the lady already....…
  • 25 here - Need support buddies. :-) :-)
  • Same herreee - I was 175 after I had my baby girl a year ago. Now down to 159ish after working out since January. Goal is 135. Let's do this!!
  • East your own healthy snacks and just imagine the fat you're avoiding... lol