lma0423 Member


  • Yep this is what I do, I have a HRM and the calories burned it shows me is usually like 5-10 cals within what MFP says
  • I have a small C and I don't want to lose them I'm jealous of you!!
  • I just bought one from drugstore.com. I waited until they had a 20% off everything sale so I only paid about $50 with free shipping!
  • Thought of another! When I eat a turkey sandwich I cant have the meat stacked it freaks me out, it has to be folded.
  • not really sure if any of this is strange, but here ya go.. I get really creeped out when people bite mozzerella sticks, I have to peel them I only enjoy bananas when they are at a specific point of ripeness, its usually when it just starts to get spots. My friends say they cant tell the difference but I could probably…
  • i just did it again, and the soreness went away after the first few minutes. but im very nervous about this infamous day 3 hah
  • i think it gets harder and easier at the same time. It gets harder in the sense that as i am getting closer to my goal weight (I have lost 30, have 10 left) I am happy with my new body that i do not try as hard. But it is easier in the sense that i can eat more. At my heaviest i was eating about 1400 calories to lose 1.5…
  • i am just so torn with eating more (which i think i have been doing anyway since i have no motivation) or eating 1200 and under??? and yes i agree with the sodium thing, but i drink about 32 oz of water, not counting all the diet coke i drink so now that i only have 15 lbs left i should change it to 1/2 a lb a week??
  • sorry! i started at 200 in may 2011, now i am 169ish, I would like to be 155 (it is right where I am no longer overweight on the BMI scale) and i am 5'6
  • thats how i feel too, calorie counting has become second nature to me so there is no point in stopping, its just a little annoying that i am eating a large deficit but my body thinks im maintaining
  • http://i.imgur.com/GuNCv.png
  • This gets a little annoying to order, but I usually get brown rice, with steamed chicken (which ends up not tasting like anything but it fills me up) and steamed snow peas and broccoli, with brown sauce on the side. I eat like half and save the rest for lunch the next day.
  • Looks like 20 is the magic number... I've lost about 22, and in the past few weeks I've really seen a difference. I've gone crazy buying clothes because I feel like everything looks so good on me. It also helps that I am now a size smaller in shirts and pants. And I've started trying on old clothes that haven't fit in over…
  • I went into freshman year at 180 lbs (got homesick at the beginning and went down to 170) but once i settled in i gained it all back and by the end of sophomore year (this past may) I was a solid 200lbs. This was my wakeup call. Classes ended the 7th of May and I had started counting calories on the 9th and I haven't…
  • i appreciate everyone replying! I figured I didnt gain any muscle, my issue is that since i started counting my calories i have been quite inactive, but i was losing weight. So it confuses me that when I started swimming i gained without changing my diet. Is it just a plateau?
  • prone jackknife on a swiss ball!